CTG-1000 SWR System-Wide Router Controller

A powerful control center for any size or configuration routing system, the CTG-1000 SWR supports all major router hardware types.

The system is created from the CTG-1000 Core Product by simply adding Switcher Control Task, Event Engine, and Error Monitoring modules to provide the following outstanding functions:

  • Virtual re-entry (slaving of one output to another)

  • User configuration of

    • source and destination names

    • virtual levels and matrix physical space

    • device lines

    • communication lines

    • control panels and their authorization

    • barred crosspoints and destination locks (restricted outputs)

    • event lists

  • Use of area codes to allow routers to access others via trunking

  • Event engine functions providing frame-accurate switching with no need for pre-cueing to the router

  • Enhanced, sophisticated trunking capability

  • Mnemonic and numeric source and destination names - up to 8 characters available for mnemonics, and an additional signal name description of up to 48 characters

  • Execution of crosspoint takes on all or individual levels, and display of current crosspoint status

  • Diagnostics facility with status display of all alarm points, user-configurable binary and analog alarm points, and audible and visual alarm during error condition

  • Pre-roll/take-to-air of external video sources using DTMF and GPI commands.

CTG-1000 System-Wide Router Controller Block Diagram

CTG-1000 System-Wide Router Controller Screen Samples

Setup and Edit SWR Subsystem Window

Setup and Edit Destinations Window

Crosspoint Control Panel Window

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