CTG-1000 VCP Virtual Control Panel

A full X/Y Control Panel right on your PC, with touch pad control and functions tailored specifically for you - this is the CTG-1000 VCP Virtual Control Panel.

Imagine eliminating the cost, restrictions, and problems associated with traditional hardware control panels. No need to buy new hardware each time you want to add panels or change functionality. No more sacrificing features because standard panel hardware doesn't accommodate your requirements. No more obsolete hardware because of system changes. No more valuable facility space dedicated to panel hardware.

Capable of operating under Windows, Unix, and Linux, the CTG-1000 VCP gives you fingertip access to as many or as few router control functions as you like. Using public domain software tools, users can easily and quickly configure and change the panel layout to suit their own particular needs. The panel shown in the sample on this web site (select the Panel Screen option in the Virtual Control Panel menu) gives just one possible layout, and includes such router control functions as sequencing, salvos, source and destination preset storage for entry through a shotbox keypad, restricted destinations, and panel lock/unlock.

CTG-1000 VCP Virtual Control Panel Block Diagram

CTG-1000 VCP Virtual Control Panel Examples

Example Layout 1

Example Layout 2

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